Gender roles can be a real son of a bitch; dating back to the roles that were defined in the Bible and Greek Mythology and then they got a modern twist with the advent of television- how males and females are “suppose” to act can totally mess with your head and make life even more complicated.
Take for example making my relationship with my husband work: Brian and I naturally seem to prescribe to so few of the typical male/female gender roles; I’m aggressive and pushy while he leans to the patient and understanding side. I have this deep desire to pick high focus careers that hopefully bring home big bacon while B’s choice is flexible, functional and besides perhaps not being a huge money maker totally conducive to rearing a family. So where you ask is the problem? The problem arises when these outside forces creep into our otherwise happy love nest and fuck with our heads.
I’m often confronted, when talking to other men, at just how much more my husband does around the house- he cooks, cleans, and walks the dog (our equivalent of child rearing) which makes him a source of pride in my eyes. Yet when I describe his domestic side to a lot of other men its not more than 2 minutes before some bodies brow gets furrowed and a snide remark about pants and whose wearing them is made.
But it’s not just men, recently I’ve been banding around the idea that I might go to law school and one of the more popular questions asked by women is “but if you go to school and then get a job, when will you have kids?” Don’t get me wrong I’ve asked this to both myself and Brian many times and there is no easy answer but something we’ve both realized is that B would be very happy to stay home and take command of the fort.
For us it could be a perfect compromise, I have to give birth to the baby but B’s job is way more flexible so he can stay home and watch it! This is a hard pill for some woman to swallow, again the brows furrow and confusion washes over their faces- why would I plan to leave the child rearing to my husband- how my husband could volunteer to do this is even more baffling, the look on their faces always reads…what’s wrong with us?
This is just one specific example of gender bending for us but I could make this blog five pages long with all the ways I don’t seem to fit the prescribed role of wife and maybe even mother. I would love to brag about how awesome and secure with myself I am, how I’m so un-bothered by this but the truth is I find myself questioning this part of my identity all the time!
Some of the gender roles are easy to laugh off and others seem to becoming from with in which means either those images we see in society are based on real desires or I watched way too many Saturday morning cartoons as a kid. I find myself in a bit of a chicken and the egg situation, and it makes it hard sometimes to prioritize what it is I’m supposed to be figuring out!
Recently I read an article in Newsweek magazine titled “Man Up”, written by two male writers whose argument is that the very nature of gender identity for men needs to change in order for them to prosper. As more and more “typical” blue collar male jobs get outsourced the need for men to transition into the work force in public service oriented jobs (previously more thought of as “woman’s” work) is crucial to the growth of not only the economy but our culture. The domino effect of changing what is woman’s professional work and what is man’s professional work is that it also opens itself to changing the image of motherhood and fatherhood and maybe even god forbid the idea of a stay at home dad.
There are a lot of things about me I don’t know! What I do know is that I am better driver than my husband, I’m more likely to get into a bar fight, that I despise on a deep, deep level having to do dishes, deplore laundry and I find the idea of staying home with only a baby as company not the least bit appealing but I know that this does not make me love my husband any less or lessen my desire for kids…crazy!